Photo by Eugene Driscoll
The scene Tuesday morning in Ansonia.
ANSONIA — Two people and a dog escaped a house fire on Wesley Street Tuesday morning.
Fire Marshal Darrick Lundeen’s office is investigating the cause and origin of the blaze, which was reported at 33 Wesley St. about 6:30 a.m.

Photo by Eugene Driscoll
Ansonia FD Chief Edward Adamowski and a News 8 camera operator.
The first units on scene were greeted by heavy smoke and flames on the outside of the house in the area of a side porch.
Ansonia Fire Department Chief Edward Adamowski said there was a lack of manpower when firefighters first arrived on scene.
“There was kind of a delay there from getting water for about a minute or two but we managed to tackle that issue,” Adamowski said.
Wesley Street is off Westfield Avenue, which is between Wakelee Avenue and Route 8.
Two men and a dog inside the house were outside when firefighters arrived. No injuries were reported. Derby firefighters were called to the scene as well.
“It took us about a half-hour to get the fire under control,” Adamowski said.
The majority of damage was limited to the home’s exterior, but the chief said there is interior damage as well.
The two-story, single-family house was built in 1926, according to assessor information. The listed owner is Nicholas Fedor.

Photo by Eugene Driscoll
Ansonia Fire Marshal Darrick Lundeen’s office is investigating.