Oxford Debate Closed To Press, General Public

The two candidates for First Selectmen are squaring off in a debate Oct. 22 — but chances are you won’t be allowed in.

And neither will reporters.

You can forget about ever seeing it on video, too.

The debate will be held exclusively for residents of the Village at Oxford Greens.

Anthony Urso, president of the Oxford Greens Board of Directors, said his board voted to prohibit the general public and the press from attending or videotaping the event.

“This is an arrangement for candidates to answer questions and be free from video and the press,” he said. “The board sees it is a courtesy to the residents.”

There are 307 homes and about 650 residents in the Village at Oxford Greens.

There are about 12,300 residents in Oxford.

As of Wednesday, the only other scheduled debate between the candidates is scheduled to be handled by the high school’s debate club, according to the candidates.

The one-hour format at Oxford Greens would give Democratic Incumbent First Selectman Mary Ann Drayton-Rogers and Republican challenger David Haversat opening statements, followed by a question and answer segment from residents.

“It will be timed and be as fair and neutral as possible,” Urso said.

Democratic and Republican selectmen candidates David McKane and David Yish will also be in attendance and participate in the Q&A segment.

Urso said this would be the second election season in which Oxford Greens is having a candidate’s forum.

Haversat, who is participating in his first candidate’s forum at Oxford Greens, said it was the board of director’s decision to determine who could and could not attend.

He added the board felt if it was open to the press it would have to be open to the public.

“It is like being invited into their home,” he said. “I was told it was solely for the members of that community.”

Rogers said this would be her second debate at Oxford Greens, noting that last election season videotaping of the event was allowed, but due to the board’s decision that has been discontinued.

“They would not allow any taping to take place this year, and they never allow any reporters or outside guests,” she said.

Rogers added she was concerned about not speaking to the entire community, but added that she respects the board’s decision.

Election Day is Tuesday, Nov. 3.

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