Oxford Dedicates Playscape In Child’s Memory

CONTRIBUTEDOxford Officials on Sunday dedicated the town’s new playscape in honor of Lily Brooks, a 3‑year-old who tragically died on Sept. 14 as a result of a motor vehicle accident on Sept. 11 on Quaker Farms Road. 

The dedication of the new park on Great Oak Road was attended by about 100 people and children eagerly sat on swings and slid down slides. 

Lily’s parents, Jon and Amy, attended the dedication, thanking the town and its residents for their concerns and support during such a tragic time.

Click here for a report from WTNH with video from the ceremony.

Kyra Nesteriak, chairman of the Playscape Committee said she was honored to be part of the project.

It truly has been an honor to be part of the planning of and building of Lily Park. This playscape will bring numerous hours of enjoyment to the children of Oxford,” said Nesteriak. It will provide them with a place where their imaginations and spirits can soar while building long-lasting friendships!”

Hundreds of volunteers turned out to build the playscape which consists of two playscapes — one for children between the ages of 2 and 5 years and a second for children ages 5 – 12 years.

There are swings and slides, poles to climb, ladders to scale, beams to balance on, sand to dig and build upon and a cabin to hide in.

Over 90 percent of this playground was built of recycled materials and it is ADA-compliant.

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