Oxford Historical Society Seeks Support Through ‘The Great Give’

The Oxford Historical Society seeks to preserve the past. Yet it makes sense to embrace the new way of doing some things! So the Society is participating in a special online donation program that the Community Foundation for Greater New Haven will hold for local non-profits.

Last year the Society participated in its first online-fund-raiser. Thanks to area supporters, it was a great success. 

This year the Society wll be part of Give Local America on May 6 and 7, organized by Kimbia, the leading provider of technology for increasingly popular online giving days. Give Local America celebrates the 100th anniversary of community foundations in the United States and the vital role they play in fostering local philanthropy.

The 36-hour campaign seeks to motivate everyone to donate to his or her favorite causes on May 6 as well as throughout the year. Contributions from Society members, friends and supporters will be augmented by special Community Foundation for Greater New Haven funds. Participating nonprofits also will be eligible for local prizes. 

Even $10 contributions add up and will help the Oxford Historical Society take advantage of this fundraising opportunity. 

All funds raised through the Give Local America program will help the Society fund the paving of the driveway at the Twitchell-Rowland Homestead. 

The Society has been forced to cancel some of its scheduled winter programs because of problems of snow removal and excessive mud this past year. A successful online fund-raiser will bring us one step closer to paving the driveway this summer.

To donate to the Oxford Historical Society, go to http://thegreatgive.org/#npo/oxford-historical-society-inc.

From Tuesday, May 6 at 8 a.m.to May 7 at 8 p.m., The Great Give 2014 will be live” and donors may simply log on to make a contribution to the organization or organizations of their choice. The step-by-step procedure is explained on Great Give webpage.

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