Oxford Prepares For ‘Frankenstorm’

If the need arises, Oxford High School at 61 Quaker Farms Road will be used as an emergency shelter, town officials announced in a press release Friday.

Hurricane Sandy — being dubbed “Frankenstorm” in some circles — could wreak havoc on New England sometime Monday.

Oxford First Selectman George Temple met with town department heads Friday to prepare for the storm.

Those in the meeting included public works, EMS, along with fire and police.

In addition to readying a shelter if the need arises, water will also be made available at all three fire houses in town.

Temple also said a representative of CL&P will also be on hand to assist the town during the storm if there are power outages.

Town vehicles are fully fueled, town-owned buildings have emergency generators — and sand bags are at the ready if needed.

Temple also strongly urged that people sign up for the CODERED system that will alert residents about weather conditions and information about the shelters.

Click here to register for Oxford’s Code Red.

Temple sent the following message via Code Red at 5:35 p.m. Friday:

“This is Oxford First Selectman George Temple. As you may be aware, Hurricane Sandy is predicted to impact Oxford on Monday, Oct. 29. If the weatherman is correct, we can expect high winds and rain.

I want to assure you that we are organized and prepared for all scenarios. We will be setting up a headquarters in the public works building. In addition to all emergency response leaders, the team includes Pomperaug Health, a CL&P representative and the First Selectman’s office.

Since there is a possibility of power interruption, please take the time to ensure your own preparedness. You should check your flashlights, have a supply of bottled water and care for your pets. It is also a good idea to fill your tub with water for toilet needs.

In the event power lines are down please call 911 and report this. Do not attempt to move or touch power lines.

We sincerely hope that Hurricane Sandy goes out to sea, but the town of Oxford is ready. Together we can get through this. Anyone who has any concerns or questions can call me on my cellphone at 203-906-0348.

Thank you.”

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