“We have always made referrals to their food pantry for our clients, but they contacted us this year with some extras that they had,” said Lori Parise, Coordinator of Case Management and Triple P Parent Educator at PCRC.
Historically, PCRC’s clinic, System of Care (SOC) and community programs have worked with Spooner House, because they have housed PCRC clients who have also received assistance through their food pantry.
Every November and December, individuals and families are able to apply to receive a holiday meal basket through the food pantry at Spooner House, which includes a turkey and all the trimmings for a holiday meal. This November, Spooner House received an outpouring of donations and was able to distribute 368 baskets to food bank clients, additional individuals and families in need of added assistance around the holidays, and partner organizations within the Lower Naugatuck Valley.
“Spooner House received an abundance of support for our holiday meal basket program this year due to generous community donations from churches, businesses, schools, families, and individuals. We are happy to be able to provide extra baskets to PCRC for distribution to their clients in need, and we appreciate all they do for children and families in our community,” remarked Susan Agamy, Executive Director of Spooner House.
According to their website, “Spooner House is operated by Area Congregations Together, Inc. with the mission of providing food, shelter and support services to people in need. All of our energies are devoted to helping our clients establish a self-sufficient living situation. We recognize the dignity of our clients, we give them our respect and we deliver our services without proselytizing.”