Ansonia City Hall
ANSONIA — A recount has been scheduled for Monday for three Aldermanic races, the city’s GOP Registrar said.
The recounts are for the following contests, Registrar David Papcin said in an email:
First Ward Aldermen
Third Ward Aldermen
Fourth Ward Aldermen
The recounts are automatic based on state voting regulations.
“These three races met the threshold of the 0.5 percent difference, or 19 votes or less difference between two opposing party candidates, to trigger the recount,” Papcin said in an email.
In the First Ward, just seven votes separate third-place winner Democrat Nina Phipps and Republican second-place winner Daniel King.
In the Third Ward, just three votes separate Democrat Leslie Navarrete and Republican Domenico Filippone.
In the Fourth Ward, 16 votes separate Democrat Rohan Brown and Republican Anthony Spigarolo. Since the margin is less than 19 votes, a recount is triggered, Papcin said.
The recount is scheduled for 5 p.m. Monday in Ansonia City Hall, 253 Main St.
In Derby, an automatic recount was triggered in the school board race, where 19 votes separate Janine Netto and Casey Picheco. However, Picheco said she is willing to waive her right to a recount.
“I’m not interested in pursuing a recount,” she said in an email. “I was very happy to serve the district and to be an advocate for the children. Unfortunately, it wasn’t my night.”
Derby Town Clerk confirmed later Thursday that no recount would take place in Derby.