Roy: Seymour Emergency Responders Stepped Up During Irene

The event of Sunday called Hurricane Irene was a challenge to the Emergency Management Team of the Town of Seymour. 

The Police Department, the Fire Department, the Seymour Ambulance Corps and the Public Works Department all played an important role in keeping our community safe during a potentially dangerous situation. 

All responders acted professionally and courteously to all residents involved with the many pump-outs, tree fallings, downing of utility wires and accidents.

The citizens were very understanding about the situation that the Town is now in.

A massive cleanup effort is underway and Public Works crews will be canvassing the town to cleanup the debris.

Power will be restored as soon as possible by CL&P which has a tremendous amount of work to do to cut trees and branches from power lines so that power can be restored.

The Seniors at the Callahan and Ray Houses as well as Smithfield Gardens where given priority in assurances that they would not have to leave their apartments if the did not want to.

CL&P worked to get the complexes back on line with power as soon as they possibly could.

I can not say enough about the special efforts of many people that made this storm event as uneventful as possible.

The Town of Seymour owes these Emergency Responders a big thank you for a job well done.

I am looking forward to working with these fine folks again when ever there is an emergency.

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