Seymour Budget Proposal Goes To Public Hearing Thursday

Seymour residents will have a say on the proposed $52.6 million town and school budgets at a public hearing scheduled for 7 p.m. Thursday.

The public hearing will be held at the Seymour Middle School at 211 Mountain Road.

Article continues after copy of the budget.

2012 – 2013 – Public Hearing Budget Doc 3 – 29-12

The proposal represents a 4.12 percent increase in spending over the current budget.

If the proposal is approved by voters, the new tax rate would be 33.92.

The current tax rate is 27.62. The big change is due to a recent revaluation done on properties in town.

First Selectman Kurt Miller plans to present a comparison for citizens at the public hearing, explaining how much their taxes will change based on the revaluation and the budget increase proposed.

That information was not available as of Wednesday evening.

Residents will get to vote on the town and school budgets separately at a referendum in May.

Details on the proposal:

Town Budget $16,351,381, a 4.45 percent increase over the current budget of $15,654,734

School Budget: $30,994,803, a 4.03 percent increase over the current budget of $29,794,803

The budget proposal also includes $175,000 for contingency costs, $50,000 for a senior citizen tax freeze and $100,000 for the capital reserve fund — a newly budgeted item.

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