Seymour Budget Vote Is Thursday

Seymour citizens will vote on the town and school budget proposals at a daylong referendum Thursday (May 3).

The referendum runs from 6 a.m. to 8 p.m. The town’s only polling place is the Community Center on Pine Street. Click here for a map.


The proposed town government budget for 2012 – 2013 is $21,592,896.

The proposed schools budget for 2012 – 2013 is $30,994,803.

The town government figure includes about $16.3 million in town expenses, $4.9 million in debt service costs, $50,000 for a senior citizens tax freeze, a $100,000 capital reserve fund and a $197,000 contingency fund.

Citizens vote separately on the town and school budgets.

Bottom line: Total spending increases 4.12 percent if the two budget proposals are approved by voters.

Article continues after a copy of the ballot.

Sample Ballot May 3 2012


The proposed budget would set the tax rate at 33.92 mills in 2012 – 2013.

So a taxpayer with a property assessed at $200,000 would see a tax bill of $6,784 next year.

The current tax rate is 25.52 27.62. However, for the sake of comparison, the town recalculated this year’s budget using next year’s grand list to come up with a tax rate of 31.95.

That means the 2012 – 2013 budget proposal would result in a tax rate increase of 1.97 mills.

Click here for more details about how the revaluation will affect the tax rate.


Both the town and the schools have been pushing for quick budget approvals.

In the past, it has taken several tries to get voters to pass the budget — specifically the school proposals.

Each time voters reject the spending plans, the Board of Finance typically cuts the proposal before sending it back to voters.

Board of Education officials this year have said they can’t afford any more cuts. Click here and here for extensive background on the school proposal.

The town’s budget proposal includes several new initiatives, including a new human resources director. Click here to read more about those proposals.


The following are some of the budget documents the town has released as part of the budget process.

Budget Hearing March 29th FINAL1

BOF MEETING Presentation 1 – 9 030712

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