Seymour Budget Vote Thursday

Seymour residents will vote on a proposed $50.72 million budget at a referendum from 6 a.m. to 8 p.m. Thursday.

The budget proposal represents a tax rate increase of 2.18 mills, or about 8.4 percent increase. 

That means a homeowner with a house assessed at $200,000 would pay about $430 more in taxes next year. 

The proposal is slightly lower than previously reported because of lower-than-expected health benefit insurance costs for the town, according to minutes from the last Board of FInance meeting. 

The Board of Finance also adjusted the budget proposal to anticipate slightly more revenue from Fire Marshal permit fees and dog licenses fees. 

The budget proposal includes $30.1 million for the Board of Education — a 3.3 percent increase in spending over the current year’s budget.

Educators had asked for an increase of $1.6 million, but were given only $970,000 more in this proposal. 

Residents vote for the town budget separately from the education budget. 

If both the Board of Education and town budgets are approved by voters, the new tax rate would be 27.98 mills.

For information on voting districts and PDF versions of the proposed budget, click here.

For a full list of articles on Seymour’s budget proposal, click here.

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