SEYMOUR — Seymour Ambulance Association will host a free program called “Stop the Bleed” from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Wednesday (Oct. 28) at its headquarters, 4 Wakeley St.
The program is a national awareness campaign designed to encourage bystanders to become trained, equipped and empowered to help in a bleeding emergency before medical professionals can arrive.
SAA’s current EMT class will teach the class for free as a community service project. According to SAA member Lee Ives, statistics show that if someone sustains an injury with an arterial bleed, they can bleed out in less than five minutes. Teaching these lifesaving skills to the community layperson has the potential to save countless lives, Ives said.
Because of COVID-19 restrictions, class size is limited. Those interested in attending can contact SAA by email at seymourems.org or by calling 203 – 888-8843.
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