SEYMOUR — First Selectwoman Annmarie Drugonis posted the following list of road closures to Facebook on Tuesday morning (Aug. 27):
Monroe, Oxford
Rt. 34 E — The Waterview to Loughlin Road. Shoulder, roadway, & structure failures.
Rt. 67 E — Old State Road 3 by Route 42. The culvert washed out.
Rt. 67 E — East Street to Parking Lot West of Great Hill Road. Moderate roadway washout.
Rt. 67 E — Old State Road 3 to Boulder Pass
Rt. 188 N — Edmonds to Hogsback. Mudslides and culvert collapse. Route 188 in Oxford was reopened to two-way traffic yesterday.
Rt. 53 N — Newtown Turnpike to Redding Road. Road washed away.
Redding, Weston
Rt. 53 N — Valley Forge Road to Tudor Road. Road structure is undermined along roadway segment & significant cracking of northbound travel lanes.
Rt. 313 E — SR 728 to Rt 67. Possible structure damage.
Rt. 67 E — Between intersections with Community House Road. The structure, wingwall & abutment have collapsed.