After a long wait, the Paul Pawlak, Sr. Bypass Channel and Park at Tingue Dam is finally open to the public.
Click here for directions.
Despite having had a ceremonial grand opening last fall, the park remained closed to the general public while the contractor completed the job to state specifications.
State officials had asked the town to assume control of the park earlier, but Town Counsel Fred Stanek suggested the Selectmen wait until a final walkthrough demonstrated the project had reached substantial completion to avoid potential liability for unfinished work.
First Selectman Kurt Miller met with state officials from the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection and representatives of the contractor last Friday (April 10) to do just that.
With all parties satisfied with the state of the site, the Board of Selectmen held a special meeting Tuesday (April 14) to officially assume control of the park.
The Department of Public Works removed the last obstructions to the park Wednesday morning and residents are now free to use the park and see the structure that was so long in the making.
Town officials would like to remind residents, however, that the park is closed from dusk until dawn and will be closed during the winter months due to safety concerns.
Furthermore, fishing from any part of the park or adjacent bypass is strictly prohibited and anglers are asked to move at least 200 feet downstream.
This prohibition will be enforced by DEEP conservation police and violators will be met with steep fines.
DEEP’s fisheries expert, Steve Gephard, says that fish could be found throughout the bypass channel before the sluice gates were opened earlier this week.
First Selectman Kurt Miller said, “We’re thrilled that the residents will finally get a chance to see this incredible project up close. I know it took a long time, but I promise it was worth the wait. Even the fish were anxious.”