Griffin Opening New Doctor’s Office In Seymour

A former chiropractic office in the Klarides Village Shopping Center on Route 67 will soon become a physician’s office associated with Griffin Hospital.

Dr. Shyla Muriel will operate the primary care practice, according to Ken Roberts, spokesman for the hospital. 

Griffin Hospital has an effort — called the Griffin Faculty Practice — to open doctors’ offices in communities served by the hospital. 

Muriel is a faculty doctor for the practice. 

There are other offices of Griffin Faculty Practice open in Derby, Oxford and Shelton,according to the group’s website.

“We put physicians where they are needed, maybe in under-served communities,” Roberts said.
Muriel’s office is slated to open in December.
The office will occupy 1,464 square feet in the shopping center, said Fred A. Messore, Seymour’s Economic Development Director

Messore was the listing agent on the lease, in his private work as a real estate agent. The deal was made before Messore became the town’s Economic Development Director, he said.

He said the new office in the vacant storefront is ​“another step in the right direction for the Town of Seymour.”

Messore said it is also good to have a doctor’s office in the retail center, because it helps to balance the offerings there.
​“We want to build a key relationship with key community institutions, and Griffin Hospital is a leader with regard to healthcare,” Messore said. ​“To get a top notch facility to expand into Seymour is definitely a step in the right direction.”

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