Seymour River Falls Improvement District Law Passed

Gov. M. Jodi Rell Wednesday signed into law an act that creates a River Falls Improvement District in Seymour. 

The district includes the Housatonic Wire Co. and Seymour Lumber Co. properties. 

The law will let members of the district take out bonds to cover costs for environmental clean-up at the properties in the district — which is located where Route 67 and Route 313 meet. 

Because the bonds will be issued by the newly formed district, there will be no obligations by the Town of Seymour. 

Click here to read the full act establishing the district in Seymour.

Officials were vying for the law’s passage because they believe it will help kick-start a $20 to $25 million redevelopment project there. 

Russ Smith, president of Amity Construction and Design of Salem, announced plans in December to transform the properties into a mix of restaurants, apartments, offices, retail shops — even a hotel — all on six acres that would include the Little River and falls.

The project is still in the early stages.

Click here to read the Valley Indy coverage of Smith’s proposal. 

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