Most of you are probably aware of the 4 C’s as they relate to the brilliance of a diamond: cut, clarity, carat and color. As a candidate for the Seymour Board of Education, I suggest that there are 4 C’s that relate to our system of public education and our collective ability to add to the vibrancy of that system. Those four C’s are conversation, community, climate and children.
CONVERSATION is the key to effective communication. I believe, as a society, we have lost our way here. Too often we depend upon technology to send our messages or, worse, choose only to disagree when we do speak. We need to replicate the setting of the family dinner table. Have a face to face conversation, talk about our challenges, respectfully debate our positions and work together to solve problems.
COMMUNITY is all of us taking pride in our surroundings, offering to help a neighbor, supporting what’s important to the success of our town. Every Seymour citizen can make a difference in the life of a fellow citizen and the quality of our town. We need our elected officials to put aside party politics and unite behind initiatives to improve our community. Rather than pit town against school system annually, I would be a champion of collaboration. Let’s bridge that divide so the important work of improving student achievement, providing community service opportunities for our students and enhancing the quality of life of our elder population through increased student/senior interaction can be achieved.
CLIMATE is created through positive community conversations. Whether those conversations are among adults, children or within your own family, they need to remain positive. Too often our children are being exposed to ongoing negativity. Times are tough, but we cannot let our adult struggles impact our youth. Anti-bullying legislation was passed this past summer which will require all school systems to have a school climate plan in place. It requires that students and staff receive training, surveys be conducted and reports be filed with the state annually in order to ensure safe and positive school environments. Let’s lead by example.
CHILDREN are our future resources. As a society, we need to make every effort to provide a quality education for them. The 13 years of school go by so quickly. We have a limited opportunity to make sure students’ educational needs are met. As a community, we need to embrace Seymour’s children and provide them with a broad and stable foundation starting with excellent schools, teachers, administrators, support staff and curriculum.
Rather than the lesser known 5th C for diamonds – certificate – I would select Commitment.
I offer my personal COMMITMENT to you – the taxpayers, voters, parents, seniors and youth of Seymour – that, with your vote for Jennifer Lane Magri on Tuesday, November 8th for the Seymour Board of Education, I will serve the collective community with dedication, integrity, quality conversation and a continual pursuit of excellence for not only our school system but all of Seymour.
The writer is a Republican running for election to the Seymour Board of Education.