Seymour School Budget Goes To Voters Thursday, May 14

Voters head to the polls for the second time Thursday, May 14 to either approve or reject a budget for the Seymour school district.

The community center at 20 Pine St. is the polling place. It will be open from 6 a.m. to 8 p.m.

On April 30 Seymour voters rejected a proposed $32.6 million school budget. That budget failed by 100 votes.

About 12 percent of registered voters cast ballots. The municipal side of the budget was approved.

On May 5, the town’s board of finance met and voted 5 – 2 to reduce the school district’s funding request by $100,000.

Click here to read meeting minutes from the board of finance. 

So voters Thursday are being asked to approve or reject a school budget totaling $32,580,447.

If approved, the tax rate will increase by .55 mill, to 34.59.

That means a single-family residential property assessed at $140,000 would see a tax bill increase of $77 if the budget is approved. A property assessed at $200,000 would see a tax bill increase of $110.

The school budget has been trimmed by $1.05 million since the board of education’s original request earlier this year.

Initially, the school board requested a 3.2 percent budget-to-budget increase. That percentage now stands at 2.68 percent, according to a document posted on the Town of Seymour’s website. 

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