Seymour First Selectman Kurt Miller has proposed reorganizing Town Hall positions, so that fewer people report directly to his office.
Miller said the reorganization will go into effect ​“as soon as the union signs off.”
However, after Seymour residents rejected both the town and school budgets May 3, Miller said he may back off the reorganization plan.
If implemented, the plan would create three new positions, to be filled by current Town Hall employees.
No new people will be hired under the reorganization, and all the same work will be completed, Miller said.
“We’re just reorganizing the jobs,” Miller said May 1, after the Board of Selectmen meeting where he announced the changes.
Under the reorganization the following positions will be created:
- Director of Operations — a position to oversee several town departments: buildings, parks, public works, recreation, senior center, zoning and building enforcement agents, town planner, town clerk, IT and engineer.
- Accounting Manager — a position directly under the finance manager.
- Operations Manager — a position to work directly with the director of operations, and also oversees grants.
The changes will mean only seven departments report directly to Miller, instead of the 24 that currently do.
Miller first brought up the reorganization in February, when a Human Resources consulting firm reviewed operations at Town Hall and found several shortcomings.
Miller has proposed the following people for the jobs:
- Anthony Caserta, the current assistant finance director, would become director of operations.
- Lorrie Matusovich, the accounts payable clerk, would become accounting manager.
- Deirdre Caruso, Miller’s assistant, would become operations manager
Miller would not talk about any salary changes under the reorganization until the union approves the changes.