Shelton Schools Superintendent Christopher Clouet
On January 24, the Shelton Board of Education voted to recommend a $74,318,407 budget for the school year 2018 – 19. It represents a 3.99 percent increase over the current budget.
It is a Goals-Based Budget Proposal!
Our primary goal is to increase student achievement in both SATs and SBAC in order to place Shelton students in the top quartile of student achievement in our state over the next three years.
After responding to the budget crisis last year by cutting teachers, administrators and other staff, as well as significantly cutting back on materials and supplies, this year we are making an adjustment in order to achieve our goals.
Additions to staffing include:
- STEM teacher at Shelton High School to meet the challenges of preparing our students for a future economy largely based on professional opportunities in the areas of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)
- Fine Arts teacher at Shelton High School to continue our momentum with our Music program
- An elementary teacher to reduce class size at both Mohegan School and Long Hill School
- Two teachers at Shelton Innovation School to expand the highly successful program to include both grades 7 and 8
There are also modest increases to supplies and materials, including computers.
Our focus is on increasing student achievement levels. We believe Shelton students can be in the top quartile of student achievement in our state.
We believe it is a reasonable goal. The children of Shelton deserve it!