Shelton School officials met with Aldermen and the city’s tax board Thursday (April 19) to make their case for the school district’s budget request for 2018 – 2019.
The Valley Indy live-streamed the meeting. Click play on the video above to watch the first 90 minutes. The video below shows the end of the meeting.
Last month Mayor Mark Lauretti proposed a budget that would allocate $72,700,000 to the Board of Education.
That’s an increase of $1,230,000 from this year, but $1,618,407 less than the school district’s “goals-based” proposal of $74,318,407.
School officials — Board of Education Chairman Mark Holden, Superintendent Christopher Clouet, and Finance Director Edward Drapp — told school officials the school district needs a roughly $1.9 million increase to maintain its current programs.
See the documents below for more information referred to by the school officials during their presentation, which lasts for about 20 minutes, after which they took questions from Aldermen and tax board members.
Shelton Board of Education Presentation April 19, 2018 by The Valley Indy on Scribd
Shelton Board Of Education 2018 – 2019 Budget Book by The Valley Indy on Scribd