On Friday, Jan. 13 and Saturday, Jan. 14, “Bucket List of Unbroken Dreams: Erin K. Moffat the Musical,” a live musical, debuted at the Strand Theater in Seymour, CT.
Both nights were completely sold out and the production raised $2,200 for the theater restoration project, and more than $100 in additional donations that were given directly to the theater.
This show was so well-received that Looking Glass Events will be producing a second run of the show at the Strand, set for Friday through Sunday, Feb. 24 – 26. Ticket information will be available online at www.unbrokendreams.com beginning Feb. 1.
For additional information, Meg can be reached at (203) 400‑4625.
Additionally, Looking Glass Events will be running auditions for two upcoming shows: Happily Ever After on Main Street, a twisted fairy-tale musical for all ages, and Burlesque 2.0h, a modern vaudeville variety show- the next installment of 2011’s “America The Beautiful: Modern Burlesque Performance.”
Auditions for Burlesque 2.0h will take place at the Strand Theater at 7 p.m. on Monday, Feb. 27 and Tuesday, Feb. 28 for dancers; and Wednesday, Feb. 29 for variety acts such as comedians, magicians, and singers.
Auditions for Happily Ever After on Main Street will take place at 6 p.m. on Thursday, March 1 at the Strand Theater for any individuals with stage experience, ages 13 and up.
To make an audition appointment for either show, e‑mail Meg Tarby at info@LookingGlassEvents.com or call (203) 400‑4625.
All shows produced by Looking Glass Events benefit the Strand Theater Restoration Project. Ticket information is available online at www.LookingGlassEvents.com