It has snowed again. I think we’ve had enough. Perhaps a proclamation from Mayor Cassetti that ends snowfall for the year would be helpful, although it would have to stipulate that Mother Nature and the Almighty have the final say.
We could try looking for the silver lining in this overly wintery season but that could be challenging. How about at least a balance of pros and cons to keep our sanity in check and our cabin fever manageable?
The good news: it’s very pretty when it first comes down. The bad news: it stays down too long.
The bad news: the roads are buckling. The good news: speeding has declined.
The good news (for kids) : SNOW DAY! The bad news (for parents): snow day.
The bad news: plenty of shoveling to be done. The good news: I haven’t had a heart attack (yet).
The good news: local plowing businesses are making money. The bad news: that has to be paid for.
The bad news: it’s cold and the snow is piled high. The good news: no matter what, we are another day closer to spring.
The good news: Ansonia Riverwalk was opened to dogs until March 31 because of the snow. The better news: it may be opened all year (stay tuned).
As the snow season winds down, and it will, as sure as taxes will go down again in Ansonia, please remember to shovel your sidewalks, clear away the snow from fire hydrants (they don’t have to be on your property), and drive carefully on weathered streets.
Also, this weekend we will turn our clocks one hour to “Spring Ahead” and Ansonia’s Bravest reminds all residents to change the batteries in their smoke alarms and check to see that they are functional.
In addition, make sure any exhaust vents (dryers, gas heaters, woodstoves) at your residence aren’t buried in a snow drift.
Whatever the weather, keep in mind, “This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in i,t” (Psalm 118:24); even if it is the pits.
The writer represents the Sixth Ward on the Ansonia Board of Aldermen.