The 14th annual “Valley Has a Heart” Spooner House food collection drive held on April 9 and the Dust Off Cruise on April 10 (supported by Heav’nly Donuts in Derby) were both very successful.
“We sincerely appreciate all the valley residents who contributed. Our shelves are now much better stocked because of this generosity,” said Spooner House Executive Director Susan Agamy.
The results of the April 9 drives from the two Stop & Shop stores and Adams Hometown Markets were:
Ansonia Stop and Shop: (food collected) 2,041 (cash)$438.65
Shelton Stop and Shop: 1,479 $1,076.51
Derby Adams: 262 $ 489.98
Shelton Adams: 360 $ 197.38
Valley Has a Heart sponsorships were: $1,050.
Making the Saturday total: $3,252.52
The Heav’nly Donuts Dust Off Cruise collected 4,161 non-perishable food items and $130 in cash, clearly overshooting the 3,000 pantry items goal.
Grand totals from the weekend food drives was 8,303 food items and $3,382.52.
“I am delighted with the 4,161 food items we collected a week ago on April 10 during the car cruise,” said Ernie Badas, owner of the Heav’nly Donuts in Derby. “Our goal was set to represent our 30th anniversary hosting this cruise. The staff, classic car owners and fans came out in full force to help fill the need and see some spectacular cars.”
Susan Agamy noted that these critical food drives owe their success to the sponsors and our enthusiastic volunteers.