Tea Fundraiser to Benefit Griffin Hospital Breast Health Care Fund

Get a head start on Mother’s Day by bringing your mother, daughter and perhaps even your granddaughter to a Tea Party! And be sure you all wear a favorite” hat! 

Hosted by members of the Women’s Health Initiative to benefit the Griffin Hospital Valley Breast Health Care Fund, the Tea Party will take place on Sunday, May 2, from 2 to 4 pm in the Dining Room at Griffin Hospital, 130 Division St., Derby.

It is open to all: men and women, wives and husbands; mothers, daughters and granddaughters. A sophisticated assortment of savories will be served and music for the benefit will be provided by a violinist member of Griffin Hospital’s Planetree Arts and Entertainment Program. A prize will be awarded to the person wearing the best” hat and a variety of door and raffle prizes will be awarded.

This year’s event, sponsored by Bigelow Tea of Fairfield, Marks of Design of Shelton and Walmart of Derby and Shelton, is co-chaired by Lisa Smith and Pat Tarasovic. 

The Valley Women’s Health Initiative is comprised of members of the community working toward a common goal of addressing and improving women’s health issues including breast cancer awareness and heart disease. 

Established in 2001 to ensure that no person, regardless of age or socio-economic condition, is denied screening mammograms or diagnostic testing for breast cancer, committee members include co-chairs Kate Cosgrove and Dr. Stephanie Wain; Delores Chew, Karen Cusick, Dorothy Gandy, Elizabeth Johnson, Midge Johnson, Peggy Marlowe, Michelle Moore, Lisa Smith, Pat Tarasovic, and Margarita Valverde. 

The group also sponsors an Annual Women Making A Difference Tribute and Fundraiser each October in conjunction with National Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

Cost is $30 per person and all tea lovers are welcome. 

Reserve your seat through any member of the committee or by calling Dorothy at 203 – 732-7431 or Kate at 203 – 888-3290 or mail your check to Karen T. Cusick, 6 Diana Drive, Woodbridge. Donations to the Valley Breast Health Care Fund are also welcome.

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