The CT HORRORFEST Is Saturday In Waterbury

The first ​“CT Horrorfest” is scheduled for Saturday, Aug. 23 at the Courtyard Marriott in Waterbury.

The event is from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. and parking is free at the hotel, 63 Grand St.

Click here for more details.

Tickets are $20 cash at the door. Prices vary for autographs and photo ops.

Click here for the event’s Facebook page, which has a ton of info.

Rob Caprilozzi and his wife, Christine, are part of the crew responsible for putting the show together. They live in Seymour and also publish the Horror News Network.

“CT Horrorfest,” is, essentially, an autograph show where fans get to rub elbows with genre legends and new genre stars.

There is also a vendor room, where horror fans can finally get a new edition of that “Bloodsucking Freaks” T-shirt you grew out of in 1996.

The guest list for the show was dealt a blow Friday when headliner Linda Blair (possessed kid from “The Exorcist”) canceled to take care of her ill dog, Goober. Click here to read her announcement.

But, the fest is still offering former ‘Walking Dead’ supporting actor IronE Singleton, who played “T-Dog” on the show before his character was eaten alive by zombies.

Also appearing — “Walking Dead” weirdos Moses J. Moseley and Theshay West, who played Michone’s zombie brothers on the show. You remember them, right? They were the guys on the chains with no arms — or jaws.

Also scheduled to appear — Tony Moran, one of several actors who originally played Michael Myers in the original “Halloween.” He is a heck of a nice guy. Click here for a previous Valley Indy interview with him.

Anyway, the Valley Indy conducted a Q&A with Christine, one of the CT Horrorfest founders.

Check it out:

Valley Indy Sentinel: Why a horror convention in Connecticut?

Christine Caprilozzi: “Well, over the last 10 years covering conventions with Horror News Network, we would run into horror fans from CT all up and down the East Coast. A lot of them would ask us, ‘Why don’t you guys throw one in CT?’ So we finally decided it was time.”

VIS: If someone reading this has never been to a horror convention, in addition to autographs and photo ops what can they expect on Aug. 23?

Christine: “Besides the opportunity for celebrity photo ops, we will have some very cool horror themed vendors. The vendor room is always a favorite because its unique merchandise you aren’t going to find at the mall.

Also, The Haunted Graveyard will be on site with a cool set up and holding auditions onsite for their 2014 season.

I’m expecting people to come dressed for the occasion for that, as with any horror convention.

Since it is our first year, there aren’t any panels or screenings. That is a goal to expand for next year.”

VIS: Putting this show together can’t be easy. What’s the toughest aspect of it?

Christine: “Honestly, logistics. Not only are there many people coming from many different parts of the country, but also the layout of the rooms, etc. Just trying to ensure that everyone from the attendees,to the celebrities, to the vendors all have a great time and enjoy themselves.”

VIS: On a scale of 9 to 10, how crazy is ‘Day of the Dead‘s’ Gary Klar?

Christine: “HA! You will have to come on August 23rd and see for yourselves how close to his ‘Day of the Dead’ character, Private Steel, he really is.”

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