Two Charity Wrestling Shows This Week

Professional wrestlers will be slapping themselves silly at the end of the week as part of two holiday fundraisers.

First, on Friday (Nov. 30) at 8 p.m. at Seymour Middle School, there is T’was the Night Before,” a series of matches sponsored by the Seymour Police Department Union.

Click here for the event’s Facebook page.

The wrestlers are from the Powerhouse Wrestling Academy in New Haven.

The Friday show will benefit TEAM Inc.‘s annual Toys for Kids” campaign. Toys for Kids” provides holiday gifts for hundreds upon hundreds of kids from low-income families every year.

Tickets are just ten bucks, you pencil neck geeks.


Tickets are available at the Seymour Police Department at 11 Franklin St. or Seymour High School. For more information or to make a donation, call 203 881 7601 and ask for Rich The Animal’ Kearns.

Take your vitamins, because the doors open at 7:45 p.m.

Then, on Saturday, Dec. 1, take your 24-inch pythons to see Clash of the Season,” which also features grapplers from the Powerhouse Wrestling Academy.

That event is being held at the Boys and Girls Club at 1 Positive Place in Shelton. Doors open at 7:30 p.m.

Tickets for the Shelton mayhem are between $5 and $10.

It’s an official fundraiser for the U.S. Marines annual Toys for Tots” campaign. 

More information on both events can be found on the Powerhouse Wrestling Academy’s Facebook page.

The Friday and Saturday matches will feature a very special guest appearance by pro wrestling living legend Ox Baker, the man with arguably the most famous eyebrow hair in the history of professional sports. He lives in Connecticut and almost killed Snake Plisken in Escape from New York.”

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