Two New Officers To Be Trained For Ansonia PD

Ansonia Police Photo

See the post for details.

The following information was posted on the Ansonia Police Department’s Facebook page on July 8.

Congratulations to the two newest Ansonia Police Officers!

We are pleased to introduce Brian Kanavy and Kathryn Semeraro. 

Brian and Kathryn were recommended for appointment by Mayor David Cassetti to the Ansonia Board of Police Commissioners. 

The Board of Police Commissioners voted to approve the hiring of Brian and Kathryn on July 3, 2019. 

The (photo is) of Brian and Kathryn getting sworn in as new recruit police officers.

Brian and Kathryn will both be attending the Waterbury Police Academy in early August 2019. 

They will train for approximately 6.5 months and then they will enter our Field Training Program here at Ansonia PD. You will get to meet the new officers in early 2020.

Again, congratulations Kathryn and Brian and welcome aboard.

(Note: the starting salary for Ansonia police officers is $67,870).

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