Growing up in a working class family, I saw firsthand the struggle and sacrifices my parents and our neighbors made each and every day to make ends meet. The abundance of good-paying manufacturing jobs that pulled families into the middle class are largely gone and we have all had to adapt to a new economy. The families of the All American Valley, and especially those in Ansonia and Derby, know this all too well.
Kara Rochelle grew up in a family much like mine: hard working parents instilled in us a sense of civic duty and a drive to give back to our communities. Her deep Valley roots give her a unique perspective on how things have changed for families from the time when a job at the local factory was a ticket to a better life. Kara will be an advocate for the residents of this district in Hartford. She will fight to bring back economic vibrancy, innovation and most importantly, opportunities for Ansonia and Derby’s residents. Kara fights hard for what Valley families need: good paying jobs with rising incomes, affordable healthcare, and a decent way of life. Please join me in supporting Kara Rochelle this Tuesday, November 6th.
Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro
D‑New Haven
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