Valley Youth Making A Difference: Seymour’s Jerren Farrison



The news is always negative, you say.

“Where are the positive stories?” you ask.

Well, that’s why The Valley Indy teamed with the Valley Council for Health and Human Services to present ​“Valley Youth Making A Difference.”

We know we’re missing good stories about our young people every day. The fact is we need you to share those stories.

For more information, and to nominate a young person, click this link.

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Jerren Farrison is a student at Chatfield Lopresti School in Seymour. 

He was inspired by two students after seeing them help the community by collecting food and collecting socks. 

He asked his parents if he could do something to help people and thought about a coat drive. 

He made up a flyer and discussed with his school if he could collect coats to donate to Saint Vincent DePaul in Derby. 

He set his goal at 100 coats and was able to exceed his goal. 

Jerren collected 107 coats thanks to all the wonderful generous students and families at his school. 

The coats will benefit families in our community. Jerren hopes to continue this as a yearly event. 

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