Veterans Receive Wartime Service Medals In Ansonia

photo:ethan fryMore than 30 military veterans who fought in conflicts from Korea to Kabul received medals recognizing their service during a ceremony at the Ansonia Armory Tuesday.

The ceremony was organized by state Sen. Joseph Crisco, who said he was honored to be able to help offer the veterans present a small token of appreciation for their service and sacrifice.

He also noted that military service impacts not only veterans themselves, but their friends and loved ones, for the sacrifices they made over the years.

I am from a family that lost a parent during the Second World War,” Crisco said. We appreciate the sacrifices that families make. You never forget.”

It is a debt that we can never repay,” he said. We thank you so much for what you’ve all done for our country and ourselves.”

Also on hand were Mayor David Cassetti, who also thanked the veterans, and state Rep. Linda Gentile, who said it’s impossible to comprehend what veterans go through.

It’s not easy, when I think about it: leaving home, leaving family, leaving loved ones,” Gentile said. I can’t even begin to imagine it. so you have all of my respect and all of my gratitude.”

A Color Guard from the Connecticut National Guard presented the U.S. and state flags, and Korean War veteran Robert Marganski led those assembled in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Members of the Ansonia High School chorus — Samuel Baez, Breanna Walsh, Elizabeth Cavanaugh, Jared Cavanaugh, Rhianna Bennett, Carly Bomba, Atianna Bowen, and Khyna Wallace — sang the national anthem.

Sean Connolly, the state’s Commissioner of Veterans Affairs, then presented the medals.

photo:ethan fry

Veterans who served in the armed forces during times of war are eligible for the medals.

Click here for more information, including how to apply to receive one of the medals, from the state’s Department of Veterans Affairs.

Connolly said it’s truly humbling” to attend ceremonies like Tuesday’s event in Ansonia.

The state is home to more than 200,000 veterans, he said.

He noted it’s an important time for recognizing veterans, with Armed Forces Day May 21 and Memorial Day May 30.

Today is really an extension of that,” Connolly said.

We salute all our veterans, of every era, those who donned the uniform so we could live free as a nation,” Connolly said. We appreciate all of your service, without which we wouldn’t enjoy the freedoms we do today.”

photo:ethan fry

Connolly awarded medals Tuesday to veterans from Beacon Falls, Bethany, Woodbridge, Ansonia, and Derby.

More photos, from Crisco’s office, are posted here.

A similar event was recently hosted in Seymour.

A list of the veterans are below, provided by Crisco’s office:

Joseph Alberti

Anthony Anastasio

John Antrum

Martin Beattie

Howard Bradshaw

Edward Bustin

Henry Castiello

Robert Cavallaro

James Chiaraluce

Richard Chudoba

Lawrence Dawes

Louis DeFilippo

Dominick DeRosa

Richard Didente

Jerome Fainer

Thomas Fassbender

Mario Garofalo

Paul Head

Michael Heise

Patrick Henri

Andrew Hornak

Paul Kurbikoff

Robert Marganski

Ernest Marino

Michael Mazzola

Deryck Millan

Robert Moore

Rebecca Odens

Joseph Roberts Jr. 

George Schroeter

Edward Sharkey

Pollyann spring

Joseph Stobierski

John Stoner

John Tiano

John Walania

Alexander Weiler

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