Videos, Part II: Derby WPCA Seeking Millions To Repair Infrastructure

Here are even more videos from a Feb. 25 information session on a potential referendum the Derby Water Pollution Control Authority wants to put to voters. 

Click here for Part I of this story, which will put the following videos in better context.

Click here to read a story briefly explaining why the WPCA wants to borrow up to $35 million for repairs and upgrades.

In the following video, Christopher Wester, a vice president with Derby’s engineering firm Weston & Sampson, talks generally about waste water treatment facilities and some of the problems with Derby’s facility near the river walk downtown:

In this video, Wester walks through the costs associated with these infrastructure improvements:

In this video, WPCA chairman John Saccu and the engineers start fielding questions from the public who were in attendance Feb. 25 at Derby Middle School.

An audience member here asks more detailed questions about the problems with Derby’s sewer system:

In this video, Daniel Lawrence, Weston & Samson’s project manager, talks about the referendum and its impact on future economic development in Derby.

Finally, in this video, John Saccu talks about the referendum.

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