Every so often the Valley Indy receives e‑mails from random readers sharing a theme: “Hey, what’s up with the Walgreens’ project in Derby?” or a variation on that theme: “Hey, when is Panera Bread coming to Derby?”
The questions relate to two major projects approved, enthusiastically, by Derby officials — the redevelopment of (Walgreens-owned) Red Raider Plaza on Pershing Drive, and the redevelopment of the old Valley Bowl next door into a Panera Bread and an Aldi grocery store.
Getting answers to those questions? Not so easy.
Here’s what we’ve gathered after making several rounds of calls and e‑mails Tuesday and Wednesday to various public officials, engineers, real estate developers and corporate execs: both redevelopment projects are still happening, but just when they’ll break ground isn’t known (or isn’t being shared with the public).
Red Raider Plaza Redevelopment
During a brief interview Wednesday, a Walgreen’s representative told the Valley Indy that the long-planned redevelopment of Red Raider Plaza is ready to go.
It’s a large project — tearing down building, creating new ones, retrofitting some existing space.
The Walgreens rep indicated the heavy lifting may not start immediately since winter is upon us.
“We’re on the verge of starting that project,” said Larry Brozek, the Walgreens Director of Real Estate Development.
The Valley Indy e‑mailed Brozek a few follow-up questions but didn’t receive answers by 7 a.m. Thursday.
The Walgreens project has been kicking around Derby for two years.
The company first applied to the Derby Planning and Zoning Commission in December 2011 to redevelop Red Raider Plaza, a small shopping plaza at the intersection of Pershing Drive and Division Street.
The plan, which closed an Xpect Discounts previously housed in the plaza, includes the construction of a Walgreens pharmacy, along with other unnamed retail tenants.
Derby officials were enthusiastic about the project and it received a green light from the city’s planners in March 2012.
Then things got complicated.
The Shop-Rite plaza owner across Pershing Drive — worried that the plan approved by Derby would worsen an already dangerous intersection on the road — filed a lawsuit in summer 2012.
The lawsuit was settled when Walgreens revised its traffic pattern for Red Raider Plaza. The state’s Traffic Administration — which was involved because Pershing Drive is a state road — approved a revised traffic plan in June 2012.
In the meantime, a number of stores or restaurants have opened — and then closed — in the two years since Walgreens announced the project.
In June 2013, then-building inspector David Kopjanski told the Board of Aldermen Walgreens had applied for building department permits connected to the project.
Valley Bowl Redevelopment
Next door, the old Valley Bowl on Pershing Drive was torn down in July 2012.
Last February, Derby Mayor Anthony Staffieri announced Panera Bread and an Aldi grocery store would be moving into the old Valley Bowl site.
Derby approved the project last April.
Panera Bread and Aldi are scheduled to open in the old Valley Bowl property sometime in 2014, according to spokespeople for both companies.
Tuesday was the first time Aldi confirmed their plans in Derby. Company PR people previously said the store was only “interested” in the area — even though Aldi was named as a tenant during the city’s review of the project.
Aldi and Panera could be huge draws along Pershing Drive on the Ansonia-Derby border.
Panera has about 1,700 locations in the U.S., including one 7 miles away from Pershing Drive on Bridgeport Avenue in Shelton. The company earned $1.82 billion in revenue in 2011.
Aldi is popular, too. A writer for Slate just deemed German-based discount mavens the best grocery store in America.
When they’ll break ground for the project isn’t clear.
Louis Salemme, one of several partners who own the former Valley Bowl property, referred questions about the project Tuesday to Jerry Nocerino, another partner. A call to Nocerino was not returned.