SEYMOUR – The following information was published by Seymour First Selectwoman Annmarie Drugonis on the town’s Facebook page and is reprinted here with permission.
Here is what is happening in the 888:
* A site walk will be performed at the potential new dog park site. I will have more once we know that the park will be there. There will be two areas, one for big dogs and one for small, water and shade. The fencing is being donated.
* The pickle courts at French Park should be done by the end of this month, if not sooner. There are four tennis courts at French Park. We have a contractor that will ghost line two tennis courts for pickle ball. This way, we still have the tennis courts for those that wish to play tennis and pickleball for those who like to play pickleball when the Community Center is closed.
* I spoke to our Town Engineering regarding Botsford Road and the road work that is much needed. The NVCOG sent back the request with comments. That means they have questions and would like a better explanation or more details. Our engineer is working on the comments.
* West Church Street to Bungay is up next. We can not have two road projects going at the same time. We currently have Holbrook Road taking place. The poles are in place, and the utility companies are starting next.
* I have spoken with Public Works regarding the benches and dock at Fountain lake. That area is Ansonia’s area. We will work with Ansonia to ensure those items are repaired.
*As we have stated, some of the voting districts have changed. Where you once voted may not be the same going forward. Every 10 years, states redraw electoral districts to comply with the constitutional requirement that communities must have roughly the same population. In redrawing maps, states have long relied on redistricting data sets from the Census Bureau that break down the population to the “census block,” a small geographic unit about the size of a city block. Covid set the redrawing back about a year. This is why the voting areas have changed. The link below will bring you to what voting district you are in and where you will need to vote. The Registrar of Voters will also be sending out postcards. https://www.seymourct.org/events/4538/ There is a Primary on Tuesday, August 9, 2022. Voting takes place from 6:P00 am — 8:00 pm. Please see the link above for your voting location. Please bring proof of residency as well.
* Parks and Rec meet July 27, 2022 at 7:00 in the Flaherty Room in Town Hall. Ordinance Committee (Subcommittee of the Board of Selectmen) meet tomorrow, Tuesday, July 19, 2022, at 6:00 pm in the Norma Drummer Room at Town Hall. On the agenda is the following. *Discussion and take possible action regarding establishing procedures and fines for violations of zoning regulations. Background — The Zoning Board, Zoning Enforcement Officer, and Building Department staff established procedures and the fines for the zoning regulations. The Ordinance Committee needs to vote on accepting the procedures and fines. Once the board accepts, they move it to the Board of Selectmen to vote; once the Board of Selectmen votes on the ordinance, it is published to the public and then voted on.
* Discussion and take possible action regarding Chapter 4 of the Seymour Code of Ordinances — This code is for displaying numbers on homes and buildings. To see the minutes and agendas from the Ordinance Committee, please go to the Town of Seymour’s Website, click on the Minutes and Agenda tab, click on the Board of Selectmen, and then you can view the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee is a subcommittee and does not meet every month. Board of Selectmen meets tomorrow, Tuesday, July 19, 2022, at 7:00 pm in the Norma Drummer Room. The agenda is as follows.
* Discussion and take possible action to accept grant funds from the State Department of Energy and Environmental Protection’s Sustainable Materials Management program that shall not exceed a maximum of $121,000 — you can read the resolution to this in our agenda packet. Town Website, Minutes and agendas BOS meeting agenda packet. *Discussion and take possible action regarding the memorandum of understanding with Bird Rides to provide electric scooters to the Town of Seymour. A couple of Board members had questions and concerns that they would like answered and addressed, so we invited their representative to come and answer and address the questions and concerns.
* Set Special Town Meeting for Tuesday, August 2, 2022, at 6:45pm at Town Hall in the Norma Drummer Room. regarding the supplemental appropriation of the ARP (American Rescue Plan) funds in excess of $100,00 for air masks for Seymour Fire Department. — The air masks are for the air packs the firefighters use when they are fighting fires. This was brought to the Board of Fire Chiefs and Fire Commissioners; both boards voted yes to bring it in front of the Board of Selectmen. Should the Board of Selectmen vote yes, this will go in front of the Board of Finance on Monday, July 25, 2022, at 7:00 pm at Town Hall. We have set the meeting before the Board of Selectmen and or Board of Finance vote. A town meeting is called when making appropriations of more than $100,00.00 and was not included in the annual budget. Persons eligible to vote at Town Meetings shall be the electors of the Town / and or owners of at least $1,000 in a taxable property (not tax paid but taxable property).
* Discussion and take possible action regarding the appropriation of ARP (American Rescue Plan) funds for the WPCA (Water Pollution Control Facility) roof repair in the amount of $5,500. The town owns the building and is responsible for the building (not the inside or running of the WPCA controls the usage and rate fee, as well as maintains the equipment and running of the facility. This is just the patching of the roof in areas of need.
* Discussion and take possible action to authorize LOCIP (Local Capitol Improvement Plan) funding for hazardous tree removal in the amount of $48,100.00 — Every year, we ask for money to remove hazardous trees around town on various streets. To prevent injury, property damage, etc., this year, we are looking at the following streets: Skokorat, Chatfield, Day, Knorr, Willian, Mountain, Buckingham, Pearl, Second, Haddad, and French Park. We are asking. We are not guaranteed the money or this amount.*Discussion and take possible action regarding the memorandum of understanding for the Homeland Security Grant Program — This is just to allow the First Selectwoman to supply documents to the State of Connecticut, Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection, Division of Emergency Management, and Homeland Security if necessary.
* Discussion and take possible action regarding the tax abatement for the George J Hummel Kittle League property located at 14 Chestnut Street. — In 1950, Dr. Johy Casagrande donated the property to George J Hummell Little League, a 501 (c) 3 non-profit organization that would receive a tax abatement with the understanding that in the event of the dissolution of the league, the property would revert back to the Casagrande family and become taxable.
* Executive Session — Litigation — Connecticut Properties.