I am saddened and frankly shocked at what happened at the Board of Aldermen meeting Thursday.
I am not just talking about the short-sighted, obstinate vision that was clearly displayed in the 6 – 2 vote to pass the budget which much more closely represents the Mayor’s version than the recommendation from the Board of Apportionment & Taxation.
It has been the manner in which the process of deciding this issue has been handled.
To the best of my understanding, it is the specific job of the members of our local government-whether paid or volunteer-to honestly and fairly handle each municipal issue with the ego of their constituents, not of themselves. With the best intentions and care for their neighbors. With the love for their family. I did not feel much of that care nor intention from most of the people on that stage.
Let me explain what set the scene for my dismay. Construction of a city budget for the coming year goes through a few phases before being utilized. The process is begun by the Mayor. He has to come up with his recommendation for the city budget. Once the initial budget proposal is presented by the Mayor, it is then passed to the board of A&T to be scrutinized employing a set of CHECKS & BALANCES. This year, they did their homework. And they asked a lot of questions.
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After many nights of deliberating and probing into each city department, the board of A&T agreed and voted on a budget that was presented to the BOA a few weeks ago. While the original approved version showed a creative, intelligent and easily affordable way to fund the requests of the Board of Education, the final version presented had changed. The revised budget allowed for far less money to be allocated to the BOE. Something apparently had been changed without full board knowledge or approval. BoA&T member Lou Dagostine spoke up and questioned the discrepancy. The chairwoman informed him that a private conversation had been had earlier that day and the final proposal was the result. This was the first sad thing.
The second sad thing was feeling patronized in a public forum when a representation of intelligent, successful citizens who happened to be women were referred to as “cackling hens”. At a subsequent meeting, we were collectively told that the representative of the board was dismayed at not seeing the husbands at the meeting.
Tonight was the most sad because I witnessed a board member being (for lack of another word) bullied. Once again, it seems that the version of the budget presented was not the same as the latest revision agreed upon in a public forum by the BoA. When Noreen McGorty questioned why this was the case, she was told that a final revision was drafted earlier that day. She then questioned why these changes were made without full board approval and there was never an answer. Instead, she was met with hostility and anger. A full explanation of the inefficiencies in the BOA budget and yet another rehash of the “Misspent Funds” story followed. This was not her question. She was challenging the process.
I find it gravely disheartening to think that any person serving on a public board whose privilege and honor it is to care for OUR community would be so jaded and angry. Is it possible that they would disregard the proper channels and procedures in order to affect a desired result? If personal grudges and blind judgements have now adversely affected my children, my family, my neighbors and my community-I am not ok with that.
I trust that at least some of you are not as well. It is time to change the tide.
The writer is a Shelton resident, parent, and business owner who ran for the Board of Aldermen in last year’s municipal elections.