Seymour Releases PD Internal Affairs Report

The Seymour Police Department, through town attorney Colleen Fries, released the investigation into Detective Ronald Goodmaster Tuesday.

The Valley Indy requested the report through the Freedom of Information Act.

Goodmaster was accused of withholding information about a potentially dangerous fugitive from New Jersey living at property owned by the Seymour Housing Authority on Chamber Road.

The Seymour Board of Police Commissioners used the report to demote Goodmaster from his supervisory position as Detective Sergeant.

Goodmaster, through police union attorney Richard Gudis, has filed a Freedom of Information complaint against the police commissioners.

Gudis also said a labor grievance will be filed. A message seeking comment was left Tuesday with Gudis. Some in Seymour said police department brass are trying to push Goodmaster out.

The full report is published below.

Seymour Internal Affairs Investigation

The report states that Goodmaster first received information in October 2010 from a New Jersey parole officer stating that Moses Morgan, a convicted felon wanted on weapons charges, was living in Seymour.

The parole officer e‑mailed Goodmaster supplemental information about Morgan — and followed up with an additional e‑mail and a phone call, according to the report.

Goodmaster did not pass along the information to anyone else or officially open an investigation, the report states.

Goodmaster was out of work due to an injury from the middle of December until the first week of January 2011.

He assigned Detective Brian Anderson to look into the Morgan case on Jan. 7.

Police arrest Morgan that day — but not before trying to run into his residence. A Seymour police officer thought Morgan was running inside to get a weapon. Morgan put up a brief fight before being arrested.

Seymour police had been called to Morgan’s residence for a domestic disturbance 10 days before he was arrested. Not knowing Morgan was potentially dangerous put the responding officer’s life at risk, the report concluded.

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