Della Volpe Tries For Seventh Term In Ansonia

Ansonia Democrats Wednesday nominated Mayor James Della Volpe to run for an unprecedented seventh term in office.

In a short speech, Della Volpe accepted the nomination and thanked his supporters.

You all know who I am, and what we are doing together to make Ansonia a more prosperous city,” Della Volpe said. 

In an interview after the nomination, Della Volpe listed his goals for the next two years.

  • To get bonding money from the state to upgrade the Armory as a community center.
  • To fight blight in our neighborhoods.”

Della Volpe said he plans to go door to door to campaign for the general election.

I don’t take anything for granted,” he said.

Democratic Town Committee chairwoman Eileen Krugel said she is confident in this year’s slate.

I think we have a phenomenal slate,” Krugel said. We have good, good people and their hearts are in the right place. They want to do the best for Ansonia.”

The resignation of Alderman Spero Jordanides this month leaves a vacancy in Ansonia’s fifth Ward. The Democratic Town Committee nominated Howard Madigosky to run for that spot in November.

Does Krugel believe the seat will stay in Democratic hands?

With Howie? Absolutely,” she said.

Krugel said the nominating committee is only for the November elections. The Democrats haven’t publicly said if they will post Madigosky in Jordanides’ spot for the remainder of his term. 

Here is the entire Democratic slate. * indicates an incumbent.

James Della Volpe *

Town and City Clerk
Madeline Bottone *

City Treasurer
Ron Greski *

1st Ward Aldermen
Robert Duffus *
Ed Adamowski *

2nd Ward Aldermen
Peter Danielczuk *
Jason Bender *

3rd Ward Aldermen
Joseph Jeanette, Jr. *
Patricia Macero

4th Ward Aldermen
Robert Beall *
Jerome Fainer *

5th Ward Aldermen
Jay Fainer *
Howard Madigosky

6th Ward Aldermen
Scott Nihill *
Gene Sharkey *

7th Ward Aldermen
Stephen Blume *
David Knapp *

Board of Education
Carmen Pitney, Sr. *
Edward Sharkey, Jr. *

City Sheriffs
Timothy Homan *
Lou Macero *
Sean Rowley

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