Edge Fitness Coming To Derby

Edge Fitness will be taking over the former Staples store at 600 New Haven Ave., officials announced at Thursday’s Board of Aldermen meeting.

The new tenants have taken out permits from the building inspector and will begin an interior renovation of the store soon. The new fitness center will take up the entire building. 

They have much work to do inside, but Edge should be open for business in about six months, said Sheila O’Malley, Derby’s director of economic development.

Staples closed its Derby store in January 2010.

It will be our largest fitness center and the second in the city,” O’Malley said. There’ll be some opportunities for new jobs.”

Edge Fitness, recently opened a new gym in Fairfield. Their other locations include Greenwich, Milford, Norwalk, Shelton and Stratford.

The gym has won a bunch of Fairfield County Weekly reader polls, according to its website.

The reaction was positive when the Valley Indy reported the news on its Facebook page during the Aldermen meeting.

Excellent!! Already a member, this one will be closer,” Denise Gagne wrote.

Snap Fitness, a 24-hour gym, is at 656 New Haven Avenue.

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