New Hires At The Ansonia Police Department

The Ansonia Police Department recently hired two new patrol officers, and is currently testing to promote an existing officer to detective. 

The new patrol officers will fill one existing vacancy and another one that will be created when an Ansonia officer is promoted to detective. 

The promotion comes after Detective Paul LoCicero retired this summer after 33 years on the department.

The vacant patrol officer spot was left when Officer Mustafa Salahuddin retired. 

The staff changes will bring the department to its full levels. 

It will reduce our overtime expenses,” Lt. Andrew Cota said about the staff increase. The more officers the better. It’s easier to keep your manpower up. At this point, we’re OK. But it would be nice to have them in patrol to have more bodies in rotation.”

When the hiring process is complete, there will be 30 patrol officers, six patrol sergeants, one detective sergeant, four detectives, two lieutenants and one chief. 

The two patrol officers are in training now, Cota said. 

Their starting pay is $55,000 each. 

The new officers are Jean-Pierre Lessard from Farmington, Conn. and Michael Castillo Jr. from Fishkill, New York.

Cota said Lessard will start work at the department in late January, while Castillo is expected to begin in March. 

Once the testing for detective is complete, the Board of Aldermen must approve the recommended promotion before it takes affect. 

The detective position starts at $66,700.

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