Rotary Club Wants Pavilion To Honor Dick Belden

The Derby/Shelton Rotary Club plans to build a pavilion at the Shelton Riverwalk to honor deceased Shelton resident and lawmaker, Richard Belden.

Belden, who died Aug. 20, 2007, was the Connecticut Deputy Republican Leader-at-Large and had a long history of public service in the Valley. 

Belden was first elected to the state House of Representatives in 1974 and was the longest continuously serving member of the House at the time of his death.

The Derby/Shelton Rotary Club plans to honor Belden’s accomplishments, dedication and public service by building the pavilion. 

According to 2008 – 2009 Rotary Club President Linda Holmes-Hannon, the idea for the pavilion started last year. The Rotary sponsored their first lobster bake to start raising funds for the construction of the pavilion, which is expected to seat between 75 to 100 people.

It will be a complete pavilion that will be used by the community,” Holmes-Hannon said. The pavilion will bring the community together for social gatherings and events. We can hold concerts and other public events for Shelton and we can do the same thing for Derby, too.”

The Rotary Club will need to raise money to make building the pavilion a reality. Holmes-Hannon said the

Holmes-Hannon said they will need to raise between $75,000 to $100,000.

They raised $6,000 at the last lobster bake and Holmes-Hannon hopes the next lobster bake, scheduled on Aug. 1, 2009 will raise another $10,000. this year.

Holmes-Hannon said the Rotary Club will also look for support from the community in the form of donations to make the pavilion happen. 

Mayor Mark Lauretti said the Town of Shelton will also contribute to the project.

Anything he could do he did,” Lauretti said of Belden. He responded to people and was diligent and very compassionate. He carried a lot of clout.”

Lauretti said that Belden was also instrumental for state funding for downtown projects and for open space purchase. 

He had that kind of clout in Hartford,” Lauretti said. I one time told him he was the mailman because he just delivers.”

The pavilion will also need the approval of the town’s Planning and Zoning Commission.

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