Eugene Driscoll | May 2, 2022 6:19 pm
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DERBY — The Great Give, an online fundraiser for more than 450 nonprofits in the region, is scheduled to start at 8 a.m. Wednesday, May 4 and end at 8 p.m. Thursday, May 5.
For the sixth year in a row, The Valley Indy will conduct ‘The Valley Indy Great Give Livestream,’ on The goal is to raise awareness about The Great Give, and to explain how the public can help Valley nonprofits, including The Valley Indy.
The Valley Indy has scheduled about 22 interviews during The Great Give. In addition, the home page and this post have links to local nonprofit groups participating in The Great Give.
The livestreams will happen in chunks of about 90 to 120 minutes. The video interviews will also be posted to The Valley Indy home page and will be available as a playlist on Valley Indy Facebook.
Eugene Driscoll | May 2, 2022 12:00 pm
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The following is a list of Valley nonprofit groups participating in The Great Give, an online giving event that starts 8 a.m. Wednesday and ends 8 p.m. Thursday.
There are more than 450 groups in greater New Haven participating.
The Valley Indy’s goal is to raise $15,000 during The Great Give, a 36-hour online giving event scheduled to start at 8 a.m. May 4 and end at 8 p.m. May 5.
Please watch during The Great Give for The Valley Indy Great Give Livestream. About 22 live interviews with nonprofit and local leaders have been scheduled.
Press Release | Mar 31, 2022 6:42 pm
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DERBY – At last count, 49 Valley nonprofits — more than ever before — have signed up to participate in the annual Great Give on May 4 – 5.
The 36-hour online fundraising event, created by The Community Foundation for Greater New Haven (CFGNH) in 2010, unites donors with area nonprofits.
The Great Give raises money and awareness for area causes with valuable matching funds and prizes from CFGNH, the Valley Community Foundation (VCF), and other generous sponsors.
“We are so thrilled that once again our Valley nonprofits are taking advantage of this extraordinary fundraising event,” said Sharon Closius, VCF’s President &CEO. “Last year, Valley residents were so generous in supporting our area nonprofits and I am sure we will see that spirit of giving again.”