Three Valley towns received federal grants to plant more trees, according to Gov. M. Jodi Rell’s office.
The state’s America the Beautiful Urban Forestry Grant Program is made possible by funding from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Forest Service, Northeastern Area State and Private Forestry.
Under the America the Beautiful Grant Program, municipalities and non-profit organizations are able to apply to the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) for grants of up to $8,000.
“These federal funds will all enable us to beautify communities across Connecticut,” Governor Rell said, in a written statement. ​“The planting of trees throughout Connecticut will enhance neighborhoods and parks for residents and visitors alike. Trees play an important role in environmental protection while enhancing the look of a community and improving everyone’s quality of life.”
Grant: $4,625
Title: Ansonia Tree Project
Description: The planting of approximately 36 trees at various public-owned sites throughout the City, in order to provide direct benefits to the residents of the adjacent neighborhoods.
Grant: $3,735
Title: O’Sullivan’s Island Rebirth
Description: The planting of about 12 shade trees on O’Sullivan’s Island – a reclaimed park in the confluence of the Housatonic and Naugatuck Rivers.
Grant: $7,600
Title: Agnes Schiavi Tetlak Park Entrance
Description: The planting of about 20 legacy sugar maples within the town-owned Agnes Shiavi Tetlak Park.