An Interview With David Naughton, THE American Werewolf In London

NAUGATUCK — By the time he was 30, West Hartford native David Naughton had a hit single, had worked on a television show, had been the face of Dr. Pepper, had a guest spot on ​“The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson” and had starred in one of the most influential horror movies of all time.

Yet he didn’t turn into a jerk.

Press the play button above to listen to Naughton talk about how that happened.

In this very special edition of ​“Navel Gazing: The Valley Indy Podcast,” I also talk to David about whether they called West Hartford ​“We-Ha” growing up, and what it feels like to be interviewed by Johnny Carson.

But mostly we chat about his performance in the groundbreaking ​“An American Werewolf in London,” and what it was like working with writer-director John Landis, the man also responsible for ​“Animal House,” ​“The Blues Brothers,” and ​“Trading Places.”

Naughton is coming back to Connecticut Sept. 14 to appear at CT Horror Fest, the annual horror convention organized by Christine and Rob Caprilozzi and the gang at the Horror News Network.

Click here to buy tickets for the convention, happening this year at the Naugatuck Events Center, 6 Rubber Ave. in Naugatuck.

Click here for the Facebook event page.

Here’s a quick promo for CT Horror Fest, during which you can learn what other genre icons are appearing:


In addition to being on YouTube and Libsyn, the Valley Indy’s ​“Navel Gazing” podcast is available on:


Google Play

Sound Cloud

Click here for previous episodes.

Music courtesy of The Bad Slugs.

The YouTube version of the David Naughton interview is posted below:

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