Ansonia-Derby School Committee Has A Ton Of Reading To Do

DERBY — The committee studying whether to regionalize schools in Derby and Ansonia received a 200-page consultant’s report Monday. They’re next scheduled to meet Dec. 9 to begin contemplating the data.

The report presents seven regionalization options that would create a new school district — an entity that would have to be approved by voters in both communities.

A second, shorter report presents shared service” options — things the school districts could do that would not create a new political body and require city-wide votes.

Each regionalization option also comes with estimated savings for regionalized operating budgets — but each city would have to borrow money to make capital improvements if they regionalize, such as expanding buildings to hold more kids. 

Members of the Derby and Ansonia Temporary Regional School Study Committee” wanted more concrete information how much each town would have to spend on facilities — not just how much could be saved on operating costs.

The committee met for about two hours Monday for an overview of the report from its consulting company. 

Technically, the committee is supposed to wrap up its work this spring. But the committee is asking Aldermen/Alderwomen in Ansonia and Derby to extend the life of the committee.

The Valley Indy will prepare a story on the regionalization report once a reporter has a chance to read it. A copy was provided at the start of Monday’s meeting. 

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