Ansonia Aldermen Candidates: We’ll Bring Fresh Perspectives

As Republican candidates for the Board of Alderman, we would like to thank the enthusiastic reception we have received from the neighborhoods in the Hilltop’s Sixth Ward. Your support is extremely encouraging and your concerns echo why we decided to run for office.

Tax rates, economic development, schools and tax relief for seniors are not where they should be. Many have stated bluntly and sometimes loudly that the career politicians in City Hall have not left you happy (to put it nicely). As your new aldermen, we will bring fresh perspectives to the process, procedures and philosophy of city government.

For instance, we thought we would try a little common sense and focus on economic development so as to increase the tax base. During our two-year term, we shall also focus on tax relief for seniors and education issues.

Going door to door, an overwhelmingly majority have stated that it is time for a change. We agree. Ansonia has the ninth highest mill rate in Connecticut out of 169 towns. Although there was a revaluation, every city in Connecticut went through a revaluation but it is Ansonia with the ninth highest mill rate.

An option to phase in the revaluation rates over five years was declined by the current administration. It was apparent years ago that property values were dropping, a revaluation was coming, and that we were not growing our tax base with new businesses. The lack of foresight to plan for the obvious is inexcusable. It is especially difficult for seniors and others on fixed incomes.

Ansonia’s culture over the last 14 years of picking the pockets of taxpayers instead of having a committed economic development plan and full-time economic director in place to generate revenue has unnecessarily burdened taxpayers to the point of misery. 

We appreciate your continuing support of our entire ticket, not because we are Republicans, but because it is time for a fresh start in Ansonia. Our team is capable of setting and achieving the kinds of goals that Ansonia has been lacking. Our published Game Plan for Ansonia” is the roadmap that a newly elected Republican administration will implement to get Ansonia back on track. We’ve waited 14 years to see the Democrats’ plan; still nothing. 

Please vote on Nov. 5. Your choice, your future.

Patrick Henri
Matthew Edo

The writers are Republican candidates for the Board of Aldermen in the city’s Sixth Ward.

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