Ansonia GOP Congratulates Class Of 2016

Dear Editor:

The Ansonia Republican Town Committee would like to extend its congratulations to all of the Ansonia High School Seniors who received their diplomas this month. We wish them all the best of luck in their future endeavors and are excited to see what the future holds for them. 

In particular the Ansonia Republicans would like to recognize graduate Truc Minh Nguyen who was awarded with this year’s Community Service Award, which is sponsored by the Ansonia Republican Town Committee. 

The award is given to the graduating senior with the most volunteer hours to community organizations.

Community service provides an excellent opportunity for young people to gain vocational experience while also giving back to society. Most importantly, it demonstrates a responsibility for making our world a better place. 

Ms. Nguyen has demonstrated a commitment to community service by volunteering countless hours to the Valley United Way, Spooner House, Vietnamese Eucharistic Youth Society and St. Joseph’s Nursing Home. 

She has also volunteered for the local Harvest House, Ansonia School’s Back to School Drive, Letter Carrier Food Drive, Special Olympics Bowling, Men Who Cook, Prudential Leadership Training, Christmas Caroling, and Camp Jewell Allocations throughout her high school years. 

Ms. Nguyen is ranked #6 in the senior class, is in the National Honor Society, is the Valley United Way Youth Leadership Secretary, an AP Scholar and member of the High School Choir.

We anticipate great things from Ms. Nguyen and the entire graduating class of 16, and are proud to have them as representatives and ambassadors of Ansonia. 

Ansonia Republican Town Committee
Irving Reed- Chairman
Lorie Vaccaro – Vice Chairman
John P. Marini – Treasurer
Linda Vaccaro- Secretary

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