Ansonia’s MLK Day Message: Keep The Faith And Never Stop Caring

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(Left to right) Valley NAACP President, Gregory Johnson, Ansonia Aldermen Joseph Jaumann and Lorie Vaccaro, Ansonia Mayor David Cassetti, state Sen. George Logan, local sculpter Vasil Rakaj, keynote speaker and Macedonia Baptist Church Pastor Alfred Smith, Jr., and Deacon Julian “Dave” Gatison of Macedonia Baptist Church.

As the Celebration of the Legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.” began, Macedonia Baptist Church Minister Bruce Goldson reminded the audience that in times of division, one must recognize the importance of unity.

As long as we stand together as one nation, under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all, we as a people and as a nation shall prevail,” Goldson said.

Valley NAACP President Gregory Johnson mirrored the sentiment, saying honoring King’s movement is not unique to the African-American community, but rather a mission that should be observed and fought for by all mankind: every man, woman and child.”

King’s legacy fostered change beyond civil rights and made way for the social justice movement overall, Johnson said during the service. 

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Valley NAAP President Gregory Johnson.

There’s always a non-African American whose receiving benefits from the [Equal Employment Opportunity Commission] that approaches me on MLK day and acts like the holiday has nothing to do with them,” Johnson said. That’s when I shake my head. Give credit where credit is due.”

State Sen. George Logan said one of King’s goals was to end racial discrimination in housing. Logan now serves as co-chairman of the state legislature’s Planning and Development Committee, and he is on that committee’s fair housing task force.

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State Sen. George Logan, R-Ansonia.

We need fairness in housing,” Logan said. I like to think in that particular instance that I am carrying on the work of Dr. Martin Luther king.” 

Ansonia Mayor David Cassetti reminisced about King’s messages of peace, equality and justice for all,” rooted in Christianity and harmony.

Cassetti said King’s teachings were God given, much like the Minnesota Viking’s victory over the New Orleans Saints the prior evening.

His speech about the game roused the audience, saying that with ten seconds left on the clock, a 61-yard touchdown pass between Case Keenum and Stefon Diggs left the audience in awe. 

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Macedonia Baptist Church Minister Bruce Goldson.

Diggs said pretty much what everyone was thinking, that play was from God. I call your attention to this because that is what today’s celebration is all about,” Cassetti said. It’s about remembering the lord and giving him praise and thanks. Dr. King would want us to reflect on his teachings about love, his commitment of administering the gospel and his dreams of equality for all people. This is a holiday meant for unity.”

At the end of his speech, Cassetti announced that a bust of King will be unveiled on April 4 at Veterans’ Park in Ansonia, on the 50th anniversary of his assassination. The bust of King will be the second in the state. 

Deacon Julian Dave” Gatison of Macedonia Baptist Church said the bust is still in need of funding and there is still work needed to be done, such as getting it bronzed. Those interested in donating could go to the Macedonia Baptist Church webpage.

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Keynote speaker and Macedonia Baptist Church Pastor Alfred Smith, Jr. thanked Cassetti for his $2,000 donation and is determined to have the unveiling go off without a hitch.

Smith said that when King was in college, he worked summers picking tobacco in Simsbury and he wrote home about how free he felt in Hartford, being able to eat at any restaurant he wanted to.”

The gains of the civil rights era for African-Americans are being challenged daily, as some people want to make America great without us. Can’t happen. Won’t happen. Will not happen, because we are together.”

Smith said the current political climate serves as a lesson for people to never not vote, to never not register, to never not participate, to never not be involved, to never not care.”

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The Rev. Al Smith, pastor at Macedonia Baptist Church.

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