With that being said, I now need to say that the comparison of my column in the VIS and Mr. Henri’s with regard to the tone, took me off guard. Mr. Henri placed blame on community leaders and the President of the United States.
Henri demonized community activism, the heart of what I do as a community leader, and attempted to persuade people to believe that any conversation that addresses injustice will naturally cause people to kill people.
I countered in a stern manner to ill informed rhetoric but the content of my message was unity. The content of my message called for what Mayor Cassetti echoed, open, honest communication on race relations.
The tone is the same?
As leaders we sometimes have to take a tough stand and speak directly to the problem, even if it means ruffling some feathers. Leaders understand that in order to grow as leaders we must be able to stand up to our friends, colleagues and/or allies and tell them when and if they are wrong or misinformed.
So although I do work well with Mayor Cassetti, I believe that he did not take a clear stand in his response.
This issue is not about Greg Johnson Sr., Patrick Henri or Mayor Cassetti, this issue is about righting wrongs that have persisted far too long.
We will never right those wrongs if we cannot be completely honest with ourselves and with each other.
Where do we go from here?
I stated Alderman Henri didn’t deserve his position; I will start by saying that I reacted to quickly in saying that.
My thoughts were with some of Alderman Henri’s constituents.
What will Mayor Cassetti and Mr. Henri concede to?
And after those concessions are made, can create the agenda, course of action and date for the first of many community conversations on race relations in this great city?
The writer is the president of the Ansonia NAACP.