ANSONIA — On July 12, the Ansonia Board of Alderman unanimously approved the sale of Olson Drive to a developer for privatized use, despite a majority of Ansonia residents who attended the public hearing voicing valid concerns or direct opposition to the sale. I am not surprised by the actions of the Board, as public hearings usually are nothing more than going through the motions, with this mayor and administration doing whatever they want. Despite their routine disregard for public concerns, I am still flabbergasted by the events that occurred just prior to the vote to sell the property.
Alderman Tony Mammone presented a motion — let’s call it, “The Mammone Rule” – that tried to nullify a long-standing ordinance regarding the sale of city property in our City Charter – the document by which our city is governed. The motion, which passed, stated that the Board could arbitrarily “waive” the ordinance for this transaction, in an effort to negate any future court ruling against the City regarding the Olson Drive transaction.
Fortunately for our residents, “The Mammone Rule” has zero legal standing, as the BOA does not have the authority to “waive” an ordinance at its convenience. The charter is the charter, the law is the law, there are no exceptions! However, this is still a very dangerous precedent set by these current Alder in Ansonia. This complete disregard for the order of our city — and disregard for our judicial system – has opened doors for abuse of power, and infringes on the rights of every resident in Ansonia.
What happens when another proposal comes along, when there is another instance that “requires a waiver” of our laws? What keeps our boards and commissions, our system of checks and balances, intact? What is the next section of the charter that will be illegally nullified on a whim?
Whether or not you are a supporter of “Team Cassetti,” this administration is trying to render your rights as a taxpayer moot. This particular decision may not affect you much directly, but how long will it be until a decision is made – flouting charter, law, and asserting authority the Alder don’t truly have – that does affect you? How long until you are having an issue with the city, and the Mayor and Board of Aldermen attempt to trample your rights? With the precedent that was set on July 12th, this has become a reality.
Make no mistake, the trend we’re seeing nationally from the Republican Party towards authoritarianism is fully embedded right here in Ansonia. “My way or the highway” should not be how we operate as a community. Balance must be restored in City Hall and the Aldermanic Chambers next year, so power grabs like “The Mammone Rule” never see the light of day.
Our Alders are elected to represent the constituents of their respective wards, work collaboratively with all parties, and uphold the city charter. But that responsibility is meaningless when you believe you have the ability to nullify the very document that gives you that power. Why have a charter at all if we have an administration that won’t follow it?
The Board of Aldermen is supposed to serve as a checks and balances system of the administration, but it seems that blind loyalty to the current mayor has rendered that duty null and void.
John Feddern
Ansonia Democratic Town Committee
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