Ansonia Seeks Vendors For Summerfest

The Ansonia Summerfest will be held at Nolan Field on July 19, 2014, with a rain date of July 20, 2014.

This old-fashioned Americana themed event is part of Ansonia’s yearlong 125th Anniversary Celebration and will include fireworks, music, a vintage baseball game and fun for the entire family.

Food vendors/exhibitors will be an important part of the Summerfest, contributing to the enjoyment of attendees and the overall atmosphere of this carefully themed event. With your help, we can keep Ansonia’s All-American Spirit alive. Thank you for your support.

Location/Schedule of Events

The Summerfest will be held at Ansonia’s Nolan Field, located at 350 Wakelee Ave.

Food Vendors will be expected to arrive on-site at noon for setup and stay until the conclusion of the event at 11 p.m.

Summerfest Application Rules and Regulations

There are very limited number of Food Vendor spaces available and will be assigned on a first come, first serve basis and on vendors ability to comply with Summerfest standards and regulations.

Current Health Inspection Certification must be provided.

Vendor Products

A description of any merchandise to be sold must be submitted as part of the application. No weapons, tobacco, alcohol, firearms, or offensive materials of any kind will be accepted or permitted.

Raffles/contests/active solicitation must be approved by the City of Ansonia. Removal of questionable items or displays will be at the discretion of the City of Ansonia.

Notification and Site Location

Space will be assigned by the Summerfest’s Event Coordinator.

Under no circumstances may your setup extend beyond the area designated by the City of Ansonia.

The City of Ansonia is not responsible for any lost or stolen items.

Restocking may be done as needed. Food vendors will have access as needed from the little league field.

Load In/Load Out

Load in begins at 7 a.m. Event begins at 2 p.m.

The load in entrance will be off Wakelee Avenue adjacent to little league field.

All unauthorized vehicles must be off the Summerfest grounds by 1 p.m. or they may be towed and fined. Setup must be completed by 2 p.m.

Vendors are responsible for cleaning up in and around their space during and after the event. All trash is to be hauled out by vendors to specified locations.

Vendors must remain at the Summerfest during the specified hours

No dismantling is allowed during Summerfest hours. Dismantling early will be noted, and may constitute being excluded from future city events.

Rain Plan

The rain date for this event is July 20, 2014. The same times, rules and standards will apply to the rain date. No refunds will be given for a rain-out of the rain date.

Ansonia Summerfest Standards and Regulations

  • Vendors may not use their space to interfere with or jeopardize the health or safety of Exhibitors or patrons.
  • Vendor agrees not to store any gasoline, petroleum, explosives or any other dangerous items or noxious products on the Summerfest site without prior permission.
  • All walkways and driveways are fire and ambulance lanes and must remain clear of merchandise. Vendors are required to stay within their assigned spaces.
  • If Vendor’s conduct is unacceptable, within the City of Ansonia’s sole and exclusive discretion, then the Vendor shall forfeit all monies paid and may be ejected from the remainder of the Summerfest.
  • Vendor spaces may not be transferred or otherwise assigned without prior consent.
  • If any legal action is brought for the enforcement of any of the Standards and Rules contained herein, or to recover damages for breach of these Standards and Rules or any part thereof, the City of Ansonia, its officers, directors, employees, volunteers, agents, landlord, successors and assigns shall recover, in addition to the relief demanded, all costs and attorney’s fees.
  • The City of Ansonia, its officers, directors, employees, volunteers, agents, landlord, successors and assigns shall not be responsible for or liable to Vendors for any loss or damage that may result to Vendor or his or her property from water, fire, explosion, theft, or from any source or any cause whatsoever.
  • Vendor shall and does hereby agree to indemnify, defend and hold the City of Ansonia its officers, directors, employees, volunteers, agents, landlord, successors and assigns (“Indemnified Parties”), harmless from and against any and all claims, losses, injuries, costs, taxes, expenses, liabilities, causes of action, and demands (including the cost of defending against the foregoing and including, without limitation, attorney’s fees using counsel of the Indemnified Party’s choice), arising from, resulting or occurring directly or indirectly, from Vendor or Vendor’s guests, members of Vendor’s family, or Vendor’s employees, agents or contractors, or as a consequence of any product sold or representation made by Vendor or its agents at the Summerfest site. This indemnification is absolute, personal to the Vendor, and is not limited by the Vendor’s insurance coverage. The City of Ansonia shall have complete and final authority over the Summerfest operations and reserves the right to immediately remove any Vendor from the Summerfest who violates any Standard or Rule.
  • Refunds: There will be no refund of fees. All space assignments are final. Any space not claimed by 12 noon on the day of the Summerfest may be reassigned to waiting Exhibitors. Refunds will not be given to no shows.”
  • On site evaluations will be conducted to ensure that Summerfest Standards and Rules are followed. Failure to comply could result in a negative evaluation and/or expulsion from the City of Ansonia and loss of all fees paid.
  • All vendors stationed within one row area (see map). Event will have no more than (10) food vendors.
  • Vendor Stations consistent tenting (12×12) style/size. Service tables and tent provided by Event from approved tent rental company.
  • BBQ Grill (propane or charcoal) menu items desired. Grills must meet specific criteria for safety and event capacity needs; commercial use only equipment. Grills provided by vendor.
  • Vendor Menu pre-approved by EVENT COORDINATOR – desire each station unique menu items.
  • Retail Price points pre-approved by EVENT COORDINATOR (desire price points similar to minor league baseball game)
  • Vendors to provide two professionally typeset (no hand written) menu posters with business logo and product pricing included. Posters positioned at each front corner of tent.
  • All Permits, Health Department, Insurance, HandWash Station coordinated & expensed by Vendor including Insurance w/ City of Ansonia as additional insurer coverage of $1 million.
  • Vendor to provide all food and staffing operations.
  • Vendor supply deliveries throughout allowed through one access entry point. (see attached map)
  • (1 – 2) Vendor vehicles (van/small truck) allowed and stationed behind vendor booth (see attached map)
  • Food/Beverage sold by tickets only. No Cash. Tickets provided by EVENT COORDINATOR and will be sold at adjacent ticket stations. $1 value only tickets.
  • Approved Event Staff will periodically collect, count, bundle (100 count increments) tickets throughout event. Tickets will be filed by individual Vendor collection box at tent station.
  • Grandstand hawking” vendor Sales permitted & encouraged throughout event. Hawking” products sold by Tickets Only.

Total Amount Due

The Vendor Fee is $750 per station and is due by July 17, 2014.


  • 12×12 Vendor Station Tent/4 Service Tables/Tent Lighting
  • Ice (food vendor community ice station)
  • Electricity, extension cords, outlets
  • Water and hot water access at existing Concession Stand
  • Trash removal throughout event
  • (1) Trash barrel within each Vendor Station area
  • Refrigeration (truck refrigeration)

Vendor Fee payable to:

Attn: Chris Tymniak
City of Ansonia
252 Main St
Ansonia, CT 06401

The PDF posted below contains an application and more information.

Summerfest Vendor Application

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